“Power Exchange Together” (P.E.T.) This program is committed to supporting groups where their participants have a desire in exploring power exchange relationships in a healthy, safe and constructive way by exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience understanding that power exchange relationships differ based on the individuals within their own consensual dynamic. Meetings should include topics of discussion. Having presentations and guest speakers will help to hold group interest and attendee growth.
P.E.T.’s mission is dedicated to sharing knowledge, provide support and to spread the word that all power exchange dynamics hold a special place within the BDSM commUNITY and welcomes everyone.
Want to host a P.E.T. group and create your chapter? Email us at powerexchangetogether@gmail.com with your desire to start meetings in your area and let’s get you going. In your email request to hold meetings, add these required answers: your full name, scene name, cell #, fetlife and facebook link, your desired chapter area, PET name to include area for identity (ex:P.E.T. Central FL), email address to reflect group name, how often you will host meetings, where you will hold meetings (zoom is accepted to start) and most importantly state the intention for your group. It’s That Simple!